Can incense sticks really help in reducing stress or anxiety? - NamoMonk

Can incense sticks really help in reducing stress or anxiety?

Stress and anxiety are common problems that affect millions of people around the world. They can have negative impacts on our physical and mental well-being, as well as our relationships, work, and happiness. While there are many ways to deal with stress and anxiety, such as therapy, medication, exercise, and meditation, some people may also benefit from using incense sticks as a natural and holistic remedy.

Incense sticks are fragrant sticks that are burned to produce a pleasant aroma in the air. They have been used for centuries in various cultures and religions for different purposes, such as worship, prayer, healing, cleansing, and relaxation. Incense sticks come in many different types and scents, each with its own properties and benefits.

In this blog post, we will explore how incense sticks can help in reducing stress or anxiety, what are some of the best incense sticks for this purpose, and where to buy them in India.

peaceful man holding incense sticks

How do incense sticks help in reducing stress or anxiety?

Incense sticks can help in reducing stress or anxiety by stimulating our sense of smell, which is one of the most powerful senses that can affect our mood and emotions. When we inhale the aroma of incense sticks, it can trigger positive changes in our brain chemistry, such as releasing endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that can make us feel happy, calm, and relaxed.

Incense sticks can also help in creating a soothing and peaceful atmosphere in our surroundings, which can enhance our meditation, yoga, or other relaxation practices. By burning incense sticks, we can focus our attention on the present moment and the sensory experience of the smoke and fragrance. This can help us to quiet our mind and reduce our negative thoughts and feelings.

Additionally, incense sticks can have spiritual and symbolic meanings that can provide us with comfort and support. For example, some people believe that incense sticks can connect us with the divine, cleanse our aura, ward off evil spirits, or attract positive energy. Whether we believe in these beliefs or not, they can still have a psychological effect on us by giving us a sense of purpose and hope.

image of incense sticks in dark background

What are some of the best incense sticks for reducing stress or anxiety?

There are many types and scents of incense sticks available in the market, but not all of them may be suitable for reducing stress or anxiety. Some of them may be too strong or stimulating for some people, while others may be too mild or boring. Therefore, it is important to choose the right incense sticks that match our personal preferences and needs.

According to some research and anecdotal evidence, some of the best incense sticks for reducing stress or anxiety are:


Lavender is one of the most popular and widely used scents for aromatherapy. It has a floral and soothing aroma that can relax the mind and body. It can also ease tension headaches, improve sleep quality, and lower blood pressure.


Sandalwood is another classic scent that has a woodsy and exotic aroma. It can calm the nerves, enhance concentration, and promote spiritual awareness. It can also increase self-esteem, confidence, and optimism.


Rose is one of the most popular and widely used scents for aromatherapy. It has a floral and soothing aroma that can relax the mind and body. It can also ease tension headaches, improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure, increase love compassion devotion security spiritual attunement peace happiness confidence1, reduce stress anxiety depression inflammation, boost immunity memory creativity.


Jasmine is another classic scent that has a sweet and calming aroma. It can improve sleep quality purify air clear negative energy, induce relaxation, euphoria, pain relief, appetite stimulation, attract prophetic dreams, assist in manifestation of wishes purify spaces bring good luck protect against negativity.

Stress Relief

Stress Relief is a blend of incense sticks that contains various ingredients that can help in relieving stress and promoting relaxation. Some of the ingredients are chamomile, lavender, rose, jasmine, and vanilla. This blend can create a serene and harmonious environment that can soothe the senses and the soul.

image of incense sticks in sand namomonk

Where to buy incense sticks in India?

If you are looking for high-quality and affordable incense sticks in India, you may want to check out Namomonk is an online store that specializes in selling natural and organic incense sticks that are made from pure ingredients and handcrafted by skilled artisans. Namomonk offers a wide range of incense sticks in different types and scents, such as floral, fruity, spicy, woody, herbal, and more.

Namomonk also offers some of the best incense gifts that you can give to your loved ones or yourself. You can choose from various gift sets that contain different combinations of incense sticks, holders, burners, and accessories. You can also customize your own gift set by selecting your favorite incense sticks. Namomonk also provides gift cards that you can use to buy any product from their website or share the Namomonk gift cards with your loved ones and let them decide.


Incense sticks can be a great way to reduce stress or anxiety naturally and holistically. They can stimulate our sense of smell, create a soothing atmosphere, and provide us with comfort and support. However, it is important to choose the right incense sticks that suit our preferences and needs, and use them safely and responsibly. If you are looking for high-quality and affordable incense sticks in India, you may want to check out They have a wide range of incense sticks in different types and scents, as well as some of the best incense gifts that you can give or receive.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about incense sticks and how they can help in reducing stress or anxiety. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us at We would love to hear from you!

Thank you for reading and happy burning!

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It’s great that you mentioned that burning incense can be a great way to naturally reduce stress and anxiety. I started a job two weeks ago, and I have been having daily panic attacks. It seems like burning incense at the end of each day can help me adjust to my new job.

Henry Killingsworth

I love this blog post about incense sticks. I lerned alot about how they can help me relax and feel good. I like sandalwod, lavender, and jasmine incense. They smell so nice. Thx for sharing this article

Aadhya Chaudhary

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